Vintage clothes are fashionable!

Origins of the word Vintage
We have seen many times the term Vintage in internet searches, social networks, personal meetings, magazines, television, movies,vintage store and many more,we can also see the vintage clothing online and although that word surrounds us we sometimes know little about it. In simple terms, the word Vintage refers to accessories, objects, things and even ideas that have been around for a certain time or have a certain age, and that are not necessarily coined the term of Antiquity.
Generally an analogy used for the word Vintage is that being Vintage is like being a good wine or a good whiskey, the older the better quality and value. With the term Vintage it is then designated to cars, books, movies, clothing, clothing accessories, games and video games, collectibles, musical instruments, clothing, etc.
This term comes from the English that in turn derives from the French, and precisely in its origins was used to name a wine with high quality, for its age and harvest.
Subsequently, using the term by the community of vineros in each of its cellars, caused that with time it will be applied to all products of high quality and that had a certain age.
The Vintage in Fashion
Over time, the term was extrapolated to other areas of European culture, and took hold since the objects and cult accessories began to appear, collecting became popular and in the field of fashion and design after the year 1900 the they had an even greater rootedness, due to the history and influence of each designer object or not, but which marked a turning point in fashion, for example, designs of trapeze dresses became practically an object of worship for its simplicity and genius with which Yves Saint Laurent created them, and subsequently they have been the model for others to derive their ideas.
Within the field of fashion a design achieves the level of Vintage when it becomes a classic after two decades of existence, we could say that Levi’s jeans from the 50s are Vintage clothing because they meet the quality, the antiquity and the trajectory of the garment itself because of its widespread popularity, coupled with its resistance itself, is one of the most durable garments.
New Vintage style clothes?
Also within the world of fashion, catalogs of Vintage style clothing appear, which is a bit different, since it is new clothes inspired by old designs, but we should not be wrong because these clothes are Retro style clothes not Vintage style. For example the vintage bomber is different than the retro bomber. But both terms struggle with each other, due to the impulse that artists and entertainment people give them, using clothing and accessories of this style.
It is important to bear in mind that Vintage clothing was previously used, it is not new, so we must be guided by: