Traditional Turkey Recipe
If there is a meal that associates everyone to the Christmas Eve dinner, that is undoubtedly the Christmas Turkey. Today we are going to prepare it with a traditional recipe
Ingredients for 12 people
A turkey of 4-5 kg, (best if it is pear that leave more tender), lard, salt, onion and 50 ml of sweet wine.
For the filling, 300 gr of bacon, 1 apple, 4 slices of hard bread, dried apricots, prunes and a glass of poultry broth.
For garnishing and decorating, a bag of assorted lettuce shoots, a large bunch grapes, an orange
How to Make Christmas Turkey
We will start by cleaning the turkey well, removing the cannons and feathers that the pollero has not removed, and searing with a torch or a match, which are small to «depilate».
Then inject with a syringe 50 ml of sweet wine in different points of the breast and the legs so that it is well juicy. Once cleaned and injected, we salted inside and out and anointed with a little lard.
We preheat the oven to 220º and while we prepare the filling. To do this we rehydrate the prunes and the dried apricots and cut them into pieces. The fresh bacon is chopped into very small pieces and put with the rest of the ingredients in a bowl, letting the bread soak with the broth.
Once mixed, add the apples cut into segments and fill the turkey. Ideally, sew the opening with kitchen thread so that the filling does not slip out during baking. As for the oven time, 45 minutes per kg of turkey are calculated.
In my case I had to have 3.20 minutes at 180º. One trick to avoid overburning and drying out is that when you take an hour and a half in the oven, you can cover the breast with a sheet of aluminum foil as well as the tips of the thighs.