How to make a pesto sauce. Read it here !!!

The rich pesto sauce of Italian origin is a perfect accompaniment to many dishes, including pasta, but also for fish, meat and many more.
– 150 ml of virgin olive oil
– 50 grams Parmesan cheese
– 50 grams of Pecorino type cheese
– 60 grams of pine nuts
– 30 grams of fresh basil
– A garlic clove
– Salt
Here you have detailed the preparation of a pesto sauce in a traditional way so that you can try it. It is a sauce that is used traditionally to accompany all kinds of pasta dishes, this being its best known use, although it is ideal to serve along with meat, fish or vegetables dishes, since its mixture of ingredients makes it a very Versatile that combines well with almost any dish of the indicated ones.
The preparation is simple and you do not need too many ingredients as you will check. We begin by thoroughly washing the fresh basil leaves that we are going to use, and which are the basis of the sauce. Once washed the drain completely and remove the pieces of stem they still had. We take a good clove of garlic, we peel it all and cut it into smaller pieces, to facilitate its later crushing along with the leaves of basil.
We are going to need a mortar to prepare our pesto, and in the same we are going to throw a handful of salt, the leaves drained of basil and the clove of garlic chopped, and we will crush everything as best as possible. When everything is well crushed, we put the pine nuts in the mortar and continue working the mixture to crush everything and mix well. Once all is well crushed, add the virgin olive oil and stir to mix. If we can not grind the ingredients well, we can give it a beat, although not the most traditional, but it helps to get a thinner sauce.
Once we have it ready, the ideal is to reserve the sauce in a closed container until the time to use it, so that the mixture of flavors is enhanced, but if we want to use it already in our plate, pour it in a large container and add The cheese grated, of the two types indicated, to give a greater creaminess to the sauce. We mix all the ingredients until we have a homogenous sauce, and if it is too dense, we can add some water to give it a more liquid point. And at the end we can serve our pesto to enjoy its great combination of flavors.