He bit his face 21 times to his ex so no one else would look at her

Melody Moon, a 25-year-old chef from Yeovil, England, suffered an attack by her ex-partner, Jamie Mitchel, 27, who bit her face 21 times after ending a long relationship because of constant bouts of jealousy. «So that no man would look at it again.»
«Being with Jamie seemed like my destiny, we fell in love, worked together all week and most of the weekends we spent at home.
However, Melody warns that Jamie quickly became possessive and became enraged when she decided to spend time alone. «Little by little Jamie became more demanding. There I knew we could not continue together.»
At the end of the courtship, the girl quit her job, because her ex worked there and did not want to see him. Then, he asked her to come to her house to sort things out. During the meeting he tried to throw her out the window and attacked her in the street. The police let him off the promise that he would never approach Melody again.
«But he bombarded me with texts, calls and messages on social networks. He promised to kill me.» My parents were worried, but they did not have space to welcome me in. I was terrified so I went to stay with a friend. »
When at last he was encouraged to go out, he met Jamie, who in tears convinced her to go home again. «When we got on the floor, my skin bristled, I felt the place was empty, it had got me into a trap.»
Alone alone, the man hit her and tried to stifle her, then confessed that he would bite her so that no one else would notice her again. A neighbor heard the screams and called the police, but when it arrived, it was too late.
«I screamed like a madman, the blood was coming out of his mouth, he hit me and he spit on me, I thought I was going to die and I fainted.» When I woke up, my face was pounding. Me. He looked like a monster. »
In the attack, Jamie gave fractures in the orbital bone of the right eye, the nose and the chin. In addition, she was recently diagnosed for post-traumatic stress symptoms, so she is now being treated for anxiety. The assailant was sentenced to two years in prison