The diet to prevent colon cancer

Poor diet is one of the main risk factors for this disease. That is why experts recommend changing certain lifestyles, such as diet, in order to prevent the onset of certain types of cancer.
Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common neoplasm in the world and affects men and women equally. Most cases occur in people over 50 years, however, recent studies have shown that this pathology is increasing significantly in the younger. According to the findings of an American Cancer Society research, those born after 1990 have twice the risk of colon cancer and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer than previous generations.
The increase in obesity, related to unbalanced diets, have been identified as one of the main responsible for this situation. In some young patients, «it has been shown that there are possible genetic factors and specific mutations that can increase this type of cancer,» says the gastroenterologist and endoscopist Nicolas Rocha and adds that «undoubtedly excessive consumption of red meat and bad habits of life Further increase this risk. » This, combined with the consumption of foods with high glycemic index carbohydrates, smoking, liquor intake and insufficient physical activity lead to a greater probability of cancer.
Foods rich in saturated fats, the consumption of tobacco and alcohol favor the emergence of digestive disorders such as constipation or diarrhea, closely related to this cancer. In addition, it is important to eliminate the consumption of processed meats, some sausages such as sausages and limit red meat, following the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), which in 2015 found limited evidence of an association of these foods , Mainly with colorectal cancer, but also with pancreatic and breast cancer.
Not all are restrictions, because the list of foods that can help prevent this type of tumor is extensive and varied.
In particular, there are five main components that should be included in the anti-colon cancer diet:
Fiber: Having a good reserve of this component is a guarantee for an optimal digestion, as it increases the faecal cake. In addition, it has been shown to increase the concentration of short chain fatty acids, which have an anticancer effect. Whole grains and whole grains are a good option to get it.
Vegetables and fruits: They are the best source of fiber and also contain many substances that act as anticancer. Foods rich in this component are coconut, avocado, pear, guava, grape, artichoke, carrot and potatoes in shell. Also, also ideal for keeping the body hydrated.
Calcium: This mineral contributes to the protection of cells that line the colon and acts to slow the proliferation of cells that can cause a tumor. In fact, several studies have shown a direct relationship between calcium intake and reduced risk of colon cancer, up to 45 percent. Fish is a good source, as are vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and parsley.
Antioxidants: This group of vitamins and minerals neutralizes the effects of free radicals, dangerous because they can attack parts of cells, including their DNA and cause diseases such as cancer. They can be found in fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils and fruits like almonds.
Vitamin D: This vitamin helps to strengthen the immune system, which is why a good dose of this in the body is a natural defense against cancer. Fatty fish such as salmon are good source as well as exposure to the sun.
These recommendations should be accompanied by regular physical activity, which has been shown to help significantly reduce the risk of this cancer and the vast majority of neoplasms. The effect of exercise also contributes to weight control and improves circulation, as well as intestinal transit.
And, says Rocha, at age 50 or earlier if there are additional risk factors, «it is necessary to perform screening tests that can detect early and treatable lesions» such as colonoscopy and adds that it is important that people They lose the fear in the accomplishment of this type of examinations since the diagnosis and the timely treatment of precancerous lesions help to prevent the development of this type of cancer.