Hallan un tesoro invaluable de la época de la guerra de los Treinta Años

Hallan un tesoro invaluable de la época de la guerra de los Treinta Años

Durante varios siglos en Moravia, una región histórica que conforma la República Checa, estuvo enterrado este tesoro de 74 monedas de oro. La moneda más joven tiene la imagen de Fernando II Habsburgo, quien fue emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico durante buena parte de la Guerra de los Treinta Años.  Tras el hallazgo, el arqueólogo…

Vibrators and products for evangelicals compete in a Brazilian erotic fair

Vibrators and products for evangelicals compete in a Brazilian erotic fair

A vibrator with camera and wifi, a line of erotic products for evangelicals, stimulating gels, a giant penis to be mounted or the famous «Whatsapp black» are the attractions of the Sexy Fair in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s biggest erotic fair Which seeks to break the taboos in the country. «Despite being a secular country,…

«Possessed by spirits»: Employee of the home that makes strange movements crazy the Network. VIDEO.

«Possessed by spirits»: Employee of the home that makes strange movements crazy the Network. VIDEO.

In social networks has become viral a recording made by a security camera in an apartment in Singapore on 22 March. Nurul Baker has shared on the Facebook All Singapore Stuff page the video where her maid appears making strange moves. In the video you can see a woman in long white dress that tilts…

Worthy of Xmen! The eyes of this woman surprise the world !!

Worthy of Xmen! The eyes of this woman surprise the world !!

A Chinese woman who came to an ophthalmologist for the itching and tearing of her eyes has become a global phenomenon because her irises have a strange prominence, reports Live Science. The director of the American Optometric Association, Andrea Thau, explained that she had seen people with similar alterations, although she admitted that she had…