This is what can happen if you abuse energy drinks

«I just do not like coffee and that’s the only thing that makes me clear.» The energy drinks proliferate every day more in the shelves of the supermarkets promising to give the energy necessary to face any task and to eliminate at a stroke the accumulated dream. And they do. The fatigue disappears suddenly, the body seems to activate as if by magic and the need to close the eyes disappears. But is there any danger behind these invigorating drinks? As in everything, responsible consumption is the key; The problem comes when its use is abusive. That is why, without pretending to frighten but to put on the table the dangers to which you expose, this is what can happen to you if you spend drinking these artificial juices.
First, composition: these preparations usually have high proportions of caffeine but also combine vitamins, carbohydrates and an amino acid called taurine that, artificially and suddenly incorporated into the body, causes that feeling of euphoria. That is why its consumption is contraindicated in the elderly and children, as well as in pregnant women and people with heart problems. And now, effects derived from their abusive intake:
They are liquids, yes, and as such should serve to hydrate us, but these drinks have the opposite effect. Caffeine has diuretic effects and, therefore, the risk of dehydration is more than predictable.
Damage to the heart
Palpitations, tachycardia, increased blood pressure and, ultimately, alterations in the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Excessive consumption of these drinks causes the central nervous system to be disturbed, which brings with it a state of anxiety and obvious nervousness. That feeling of suffocation, of lack of air, manifests itself when the intake transcends the healthy limits.
Sleep disturbances
In line with the above effects, and especially if consumption is sustained over time, sleep problems and dreaded insomnia may be one of the most possible consequences.
Renal problems
They are still liquid, and therefore it is the kidneys that must filter them. Some of its components make the process difficult and can lead to serious problems if its consumption is, again, sustained.
The danger of mixing with alcohol
Combined alcoholic drinks with energizers are not strange bars bars, before health authorities warn: the chances of suffering from tachycardias and arrhythmias or lose motor skills are multiplying. There is a false myth that ensures that energy drinks cushion the effects of alcohol, keeping the drinker alert and awake, but it is not. Only drunkenness is concealed and gives a sense of illusory self-control, which can lead to reckless attitudes.
In conclusion
Are energy drinks bad? No. Is your overconsumption dangerous? Categorically, yes. For this reason, the restraint and the balance are again imposed. Resorting to these drinks as a substitute for coffee can bring with it undesirable consequences, and you can always opt for other ones containing tein, a natural stimulant. Because, as always happens, everything in excess is negative.