Burn-Out Effect
Do you feel little taken into account in your work? You see as your colleagues your superiors celebrate any detail while you finish a successful sales report and do not bother or give a friendly greeting? Have you thought that your efforts are low-paid or that you chose poorly what profession to study? Well, you’re prone to being attacked by the Burn-Out Syndrome. The Burn_out is just another type of stress, another way of presenting the disease of our times, Stress, but in a variant that is created in the work environment. Although it manifests itself in jobs where the worker maintains permanent contact with the public, such as teaching, government employees, police officers, among others. There is no concrete delimitation regarding exempting some profession. The same is observed for long periods of time in the person affected and the same manifests wear, deterioration and / or loss of empathy. Something interesting is that it attacks women more often than men, and from here we can infer that it is because even society does not equal 100% both genders in the workplace. The causes of the disease that have been elucidated so far point to the victims who work for long periods of time, when the day exceeds 8 hours, when the ergonomics of the environment is not the most suitable nor has been modified in a long time and not Adequate and timely wage increases are being realized. It is necessary to make important reference to the fact that those who are more prone to suffer this type of stress are the people with a high degree of responsibility, and highly qualified. These people superimpose their work to personal and marital relations which end up breaking, for them work is the most important thing, when entramparse in the Burn-Out are relegated to its effects continuously extrapolating the same to other areas. Another important fact is that this syndrome has been transferred to the student population in the worst cases and because the effect extends over time the affected ends up abandoning their studies. Author: Roberto Alemán, www.ventics.com