4 vitamins to help you heal your lungs after smoking

Fortunately, there are foods rich in nutrients that contribute to counteract the damage caused by nicotine. Thus, they help to heal your lungs and prevent respiratory diseases.
Do you have a smoking habit? Did you leave it recently? In either case you should know that giving certain vitamins will help heal your lungs after smoking.
Many people overlook this. We tend to think that quitting smoking is enough to make everything perfect again.
However, you should not forget that smoking is caused by the addiction generated by nicotine.
This component causes severe damage to the cells and systems of the organism that are not always restructured by themselves or quickly.
Fortunately, there are foods rich in nutrients that contribute to counteract the damage caused by nicotine. Thus, they help to heal your lungs and prevent respiratory diseases.
This time we will talk about the vitamins that are key to healing your lungs after smoking.
1. Vitamin C
Smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body by up to 25%, so it is necessary to increase the dose of this important component.
Vitamin C deficiency will make you prone to infections because your immune system weakens.
Other problems derived from the deficiency of this vitamin are:
Early appearance of wrinkles.
Gum problems such as pain, swelling and mild bleeding.
The list of foods where you can find this nutrient includes:
If you still have this habit you should consume three times more vitamin C to heal your lungs after smoking.
In case you are trying to quit, you should know that vitamin C will help you reduce your craving for nicotine.
2. Vitamin A
Deficiency of vitamin A or beta-carotene can cause changes in the immune system. Thus, it can increase the incidence of infectious diseases in the respiratory system.
You can find this nutrient in:
Pink grapefruit
Lettuce, chard
3. Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps reduce the risk of lung tumors related to tobacco use.
It is also known as tocopherol and is a fat soluble vitamin that works as an antioxidant, while helping to protect essential fatty acids.
To get the benefits and heal your lungs after smoking try to include vitamin E naturally through the consumption of:
Cereals, rice, soybeans
Brussels sprouts
Wholemeal bread
In addition to helping restore the health of your lungs by quitting tobacco, vitamin E helps in the treatment of:
Premenstrual syndrome
Male Infertility
4. Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 or folic acid contributes to the formation of blood cells so it influences the prevention of anemia and helps to maintain healthy skin.
In addition to healing your lungs after smoking, vitamin B9 is necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. This is because this vitamin acts in the synthesis of transmitters.
If the above seems to you little, you should know that this vitamin serves to help active smokers to stop this addiction. To get vitamin B9 you can consume:
Other ways to prevent the incidence of smoking lung disease
Avoid junk foods such as fried foods or foods containing artificial sweeteners.
The products with which you must take special care are soft drinks, because they alter the nervous system and the functioning of the intestines, which accentuate the harmful effects of the cigar.
At the time of planning your menus includes foods rich in tryptophan. This is the amino acid in charge of producing serotonin.
This is useful in people who are quitting smoking because high levels of serotonin decrease anxiety.
The damage caused by nicotine accelerates the loss of bone mass that is produced by age.
Thus, consuming extra calcium in your diet counteracts this effect and helps keep bones healthy to avoid breakages and other damages.
Exercise helps improve the cardiopulmonary system. By performing a daily routine of physical activity you contribute to exercise your heart.
This improves blood circulation and helps prevent the formation of thrombi inside the arteries that, in the long run, cause myocardial infarctions.
Exercise also lowers the incidence of high blood pressure and improves the lung level so it will help you maintain a stable breathing rate (from 14 to 22 breaths per minute).